It’s winter, which means I’m always freezing AF once it drops below 60. It’s been in the 30s here at night, so I’m being a baby, and have a legit reason to be cold. Anyway, you didn’t come here for a weather report, you came here for these healthy delish donuts, so here we go… …

When it comes to donuts, we all know how much i love to bake them. I’m constantly trying to make the best batch better than the last, and these were no exception. These were definitely an experiment, and i had no idea how they’d come out, but HOLY MOLY THEY ARE SO GOOD. Winter is …

Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins (Gluten Free, Dairy Free, and Vegan Optional) Makes approximately 20 muffins Ingredients: 2 cups gluten free baking flour (if you’re not gluten free, you can always use whole wheat flour in any of my recipes) 1/4 cup pure maple syrup 1 1/2 cups coconut sugar (if you’re allergic to coconut, you …

 Chocolate Vanilla Almond Butter Muffins Makes 12 muffins  Ingredients: 1 1/2 cups gluten free baking flour  1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 3-4 tablespoons ground chia + flax seeds (combined) 3/4 cup coconut sugar  1/8 – 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon  1/2 tablespoon Chocolate Glazed Donut Flavor God 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 6-8 dates, …

Last night the air was crisp, Tanner and I cleaned up our front yard and put a few Halloween decorations out, and this morning there’s a beautiful ocean breeze blowing ambiance of fall through the air and through our house. With all that nostalgia, it was time the scent of pumpkin spice filled our home as …

Sunday means brunch or meal prep to many, so whether you find yourself looking for a healthy family breakfast option for the weekend, or want to make a fab pancake that will last you all week long {I freeze them and toast for a quick brekkie!} these gems are a winner. Seeking brunch balance? Serve …

Clean Chocolate Chip Cookies

    If you don’t love chocolate chip cookies, I may have a hard time accepting you’re in fact, a real life human being. Being a dessert lover, I’m always on the hunt to find or create clean recipes, so I can indulge in my favorite things guilt-free. Is there anything like a warm, gooey …

Clean Cornbread

I have been searching for a clean cornbread recipe, and haven’t found one I’m totally over the moon about yet. So when I don’t find something, I make it. I literally can’t stop daydreaming about pairing this with my chicken tortilla soup. I’m adapting Taste of Home’s “Buttery Corn Bread Recipe” into a clean version….because I’m …