When it comes to side dishes, who else votes they all need a delicious glaze?! 🙋🏼‍♀️ Growing up, I’d always request cooked carrots for holidays (who am i?!) but quickly, i got bored of just buttered carrots, so as i grew up and needed to bring sides to festivities and potlucks, i brought cooked carrots …

Mason jars and a white background seem to be trending in my blog posts this week 😉 I’ve been following my Ten Day Trim this week, so have been whipping up new, easy, inexpensive recipes in the kitchen. Still needing my chocolate fix, and my stomach acting up toward dairy again all of a sudden, …

Peanut Butter? Check. Chocolate? Check. Both sneaking their way into a healthy breakfast combo good enough to taste like a Reeces? Check, check. My friend Natalie is a smokin’ hot mama and Crossfit babe, who eats super clean, following a diet similar to Paleo. She always posts pictures of her overnight oats in an almost-empty …