Tag: #tiuteam

Banana Zucchini Muffins with Apple + Blackberries

Based on the ingredients of these muffins, they’re basically power muffins…good for anytime of the day; breakfast, mid-day snack, a side with lunch, or even a healthy dessert. Totally guilt free and toddler-approved, which means whole family approved; what could be better?! I made these on Sunday to prep my little guys’ breakfast & snacks for …

Weekly Fitness Tracker: Final Week of LYB Series & Rumps and Stumps, Week 2

Hiiii pretties! So sorry for the slight hiatus the past two weeks and my weekly fitness trackers being MIA. I had a family emergency & was out of town with lots of life on my plate that came first. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my fitness journey thus far, it’s that it is …

Rumps & Stumps Video Moves

Hiiiii girls!! Here are the moves for our #rumpsandstumps challenge! Watch the YouTube video below! Read ALL about Rumps & Stumps, a booty & leg challenge HERE, where you can also download & print the full calendar. *Be sure to read our disclaimer before beginning any new workout series. XO, Shelley

Spinach Meatloaf

Meatloaf is just one of those things that totally grosses me out unless it’s my mom’s recipe or I make it myself. There’s just something about picturing someone else’s hands mooshing it all together that…I can’t. even. deal with. But the beauty of homemade meatloaf is you can sneak SO many veggies into it [all my …

Weekly Tracker

Happy Week 4 of TIU Love your Body Series!! Hope everyone is absolutely killinnnn it! Loving everyone’s progress so far & the uplifting notes all over Insta! We are so lucky to be part of this amazing community! Download your weekly schedule here including Shelby & my TUMS & GUNS Challenge…eeeeeek are you guys seeing …

Holiday Hunny Week 5 Tracker

Hiiiii, babes! Sorry about taking a hiatus last week with this, with the flu that lingered 7 full days and Thanksgiving in the middle of it, it was crazy around here! Enjoy this week’s schedule! You’ll see the additional living room WOD I listed for two-a-day-Tuesdays under today’s AMWO; you can find out what’s in it …

TIU #HolidayHunny Week 2 Spreadsheet

Wow, is anyone else completely in awe that it’s already the second week of November?! AH!!! With a new week upon us, comes a new TIU weekly schedule & my updated weekly spreadsheet! This week’s schedule only had PM Challenges listed for Friday and Sunday, so I filled in the other days with fun ideas we did …

Q & A: TIU Mama Style

I absolutely LOVE that I get so many questions about my TIU journey whether they come through my Instagram, my blog, or my email. I may not have all the time in the world to reply to each & every one, but I try the best I can! As I sit here at my parents …

Stuffed Peppers: Italian & Mexican Style

I LOVE stuffed peppers. My sister introduced them to me a few years ago, and I love how quick, easy, and how minimalistic their prep time is. I always see recipes for Mexican-style stuffed peppers, and love those because they are so delish and so easy, but I also love making them Italian-style! I know …

#FriskyFall Week 8 Tracker!

WOW #tiuteam I cannot believe this is our last and final week of #friskyfall !!! Where the heckkkk did these last two months go?! Thank you all so much for your constant love & support with these weekly printable calendars. It’s been so fun to see you all using them, loving them, and sharing them! …